#ASL2015 Get involved - Call for papers

The inside out library: collaboration, inspiration, transformation  

The 2015 Annual Conference & Exhibition is all about collaboration and what it means for libraries and librarians and we want to showcase the inspirational collaborative projects going on in libraries across the country. 

Call for Papers
You can contribute to the conference in the formats; 

·         Case Studies
·         Workshops
·         Posters

Submissions addressing any of the following ideas:
·         Collaboration in libraries
·         Collaboration and joint initiatives between libraries
·         Collaboration between librarians and professionals in other sectors
·         Innovative projects involving collaboration, crowd-sourcing or community outreach
·         The “embedded” librarian
·         The outreach librarian
·         New job titles for librarians
·         Librarian as Futurist
·         Librarian as Facilitator
·         Communication skills for collaboration
·         Presentation and marketing skills for librarians
·         The collaborative power of social media tools
·         The changing role of the librarian in the community
·         Makerspaces in libraries
·         Continuing professional development

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and all submissions that relate to “The Inside Out Library: Collaboration, Inspiration, Transformation” are welcome.

What is a case study?
Case studies should be practically based - a 20/25 minute presentation, with 5/10 minutes for Q&A, on a completed or current project/service/initiative that fits in with the conference theme as outlined above. Presenters may also be required to participate in a panel Q&A on the day. Case studies may be presented in the plenary or parallel sessions at the conference.

What is a workshop?
Workshops of 1 hour each will run in parallel sessions at the conference. Workshops should be practically based on a topic that fits in with the conference theme as outlined above. We are asking you to present your topic for 30-45 minutes, and then facilitate a 15-30 minute discussion with the workshop delegates.
Please indicate the intended audience for the workshop (Beginner/Introductory/Intermediate etc.) and the level of delegate participation required.

What is a poster?
The poster exhibition will run in two sessions - one on each day. Posters will be accessible throughout the conference. It would, however, be of benefit if you could attend at least one of the sessions so that you can engage with your audience. Your poster can address current challenges in your library, research you are engaged in or a future project. We are interested in first ideas, work-in-progress and best practice as well as completed projects from both practitioners and students.
In relation to the posters, please note that all expenses are the responsibility of the presenters. The poster should be of A0 or A1 size, portrait style and professionally printed.
A set of guidelines for posters can be obtained from Dr. Eva Hornung (A&SL Chairperson) at hornunge@tcd.ie


Please fill in the attached submission form HERE and include an abstract of no more than 300 words by Friday, 17th October 2014.

The Committee will review all submissions by the end of October and will be in touch with everyone who has made a submission in early November.

·         Please address all submissions to Eva Hornung and email to aslsectionevents@gmail.com with Submission for 2015 Conference in the subject line.

·         Specific questions related to the poster session should be sent directly to Eva hornunge@tcd.ie.

·         Informal enquiries can be made by email to the Conference Project Manager: Marie Cullen (marie.g.cullen@nuim.ie)

Please note that all plenary sessions will be live streamed on the internet on the day.